Double Text produces media that uses the deeply personal as a lens for engaging the world. Our work is by and about queer people, and the way they move between text and subtext.
Coming Soon
The Ways I Tried to Call You Home
by Christina Brown
This is a book about near misses; about codependency; about unfinished business. It is about trying to make a home of another person—what that effort gives and what it takes. “The Ways I Tried to Call You Home” is an exploration of what stays long after a relationship has ended.
Available early 2025.
Available Now
Recurring Characters
by Evan Chelsee
This is a story about the scripts we have a hard time letting go of and the moments we focus on, to the exclusion of everything else.Through playlists, text messages, flowcharts, and other forms, recurring characters tells the story of one chaotic year and its reverberations.
Find signed copies at Page Against the Machine (2714 E Fourth Street, Long Beach, CA 90814) or order wherever books are sold.